Zepter New Zealand | Online and In-Store Offer

FREE Shipping for Seniors

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Enjoy FREE shipping on us - a bonus to mountain air to breathe and spring water to drink...

TherapyAir High-End Air Purifier:

Humans on average breathe over 11,000 litres of air each day. We spend 90 per cent of our time indoors; be it in our homes, places of work, schools, or health and fitness centres, where the levels of pollutants and allergens can be 100 times higher than already dangerously polluted outdoor air. Breathing polluted air makes us sick and is a root cause of many fatal diseases. Protect yourself and your family with Therapy Air® iOn - the leading five-level air purification system for healthy air.

Perfect for:
  • Elderly who spend time indoors
  • People who suffer from allergies
  • Indoor environment with high levels of dust, mite, and mould
  • People who get sick often
  • Crowded areas with shared germs, bacteria and viruses

MyIon Wearable Personal Air Purifier:

MyIon is an innovative, wearable air purifier that uses advanced air ionizing technology to eliminate all harmful airborne particles:

- PM 2.5, dust, allergens, pollens and viruses.

"For people to be and stay healthy, they must breathe clean air from their first breath to their last" - Dr Flavia Bustreo, Assistant Director General at World Health Organisation

Perfect for:
  • People who suffer from allergies and hayfever
  • Protection against bacteria and virus

EdelWasser Water Purification System

Drink 99.9% pure water. Don't let your body be a filter.
The EdelWasser countertop water purification system with unique 5-stage filter continuously saves you money on bottled water and energy usage while protecting your health and the environment. Compact and easy to install, our wireless smart technology eliminates impurities from your water using a reverse osmosis system designed to meet, and exceed, your quality standards. Allow our cutting-edge technology do the dirty job of keeping your water pure, healthy and clean.

  • Enhance the taste of your drinking water
  • And more importantly, safeguard your loved ones from harmful bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, chemicals and other contaminants.
  • Perfect for children, elderly and people who are conscious about health
How to claim this offer
How can I redeem this offer?

Online and In-Store Offer

How long is this offer valid for?

Ongoing offer

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