Woolworths New Zealand | In-Store Offer

5% off on Tuesdays at selected stores

Offer Image
About this offer

Offer details
Woolworths offers a discount of 5% (at selected stores listed) to SuperGold card holders on any Tuesday (SuperGold discount). Customers must scan their SuperGold Card at the checkout or self-checkout in-store to receive the discount. Everyday Reward members who are also SuperGold card holders, can also swipe/scan their Everyday Rewards to receive additional discounts and earn rewards.

The SuperGold discount is based on final spend after all discounts have been deducted and also does not apply to the amount(s) spent on tobacco products and smoking accessories, vaping products, Christmas Club vouchers, gift cards and lottery tickets.

This SuperGold discount is not available on trade sales.
How can I redeem this offer?

In-Store Offer

How long is this offer valid for?

Ongoing offer

Terms and Exclusions

The SuperGold discount is based on final spend after all discounts have been deducted and also does not apply to the amount(s) spent on tobacco products and smoking accessories, vaping products, Christmas Club vouchers, gift cards and lottery tickets. This SuperGold discount is not available on trade sales.

Where can I visit this business?

Karori - Woolworths Karori
Woolworths Karori , Karori Shopping Centre, Karori Road, Karori, Wellington , 6012
Find with Google Maps
Where can I visit this business?

Woolworths Karori , Karori Shopping Centre, Karori Road, Karori, Wellington , 6012
04 464 3000
Find with Google Maps

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